Monday, March 24, 2008

Excerpt of a letter from John Floyd to William Preston

Draper Manuscripts 17CC180-81


Kentucky Levels, 30 May, 1775


Dear Sir,


We have seen no Indians since our arrival here; no damage done by them except one Boston who has been killed or lost. My company are all settled near Green River on the southern waters of the Kentucky and have erected a little town which they call St. Asaph, where they are making a crop of corn. All the settlers have received Col. Henderson as proprietor of that side the river Kentucky which is called Transylvania Colony. He has called to Boonsborough (another little town) delegates from all the settlements, in order to form some regulations among the people. They are eighteen in number who have made laws for establishing courts of justice; rules for proceeding therein; also a militia law; an attachments law; a law for preserving the game, and for appointing civil and military officers, &c &c.


The number of inhabitants, I think, does not exceed three hundred in all that I can hear of, on these waters. They have about 230 acres of corn growing. I need not mention every particular, as you will have it from the bearer.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Letter from John Floyd to William Preston

Draper Manuscripts 17CC184-185


Harrodsburg, Oct. 30th, 1779


My Dear Friend,


We arrived here in six weeks, all safe and hearty, but fatigue, perplexity &c. has almost made a skeleton of me.


My wife brought out the little boy without any of my assistance, and neither of them were any trouble on the way. I lost neither horse nor cow, but my trouble in driving them here was too much. I am this morning gathering up my affairs to set out for Beargrass in high spirits.


The commissioners are here, and I procured my certificate yesterday for 1400 acres at Woodstock, and was immediately offered six fine young Virginia born Negroes for it. You never saw such keenness as is here about land. I am vexed that I am forced to send your warrants back to be renewed before I can get them surveyed. Do send them out again as soon as possible. My surveyor’s commissions are at Mr. Trigg’s and Col. Robinson informed me Mr. Madison could not procure me a commission for this county without the old one. I wish it could be sent down. I am now very anxious to have a place and I find all your observations about it very just.


The court moves to the Falls next week, and I am desirous to be there in order to get places for Capt. Madison and Mr. Johnson. I see many selling their claims here and I think they will do the same there. I hear nothing from Capt. Smith; I fear he has gave out coming, and if so his opportunity in getting land will be soon over. Col. Robinson left Capt. Rowland Madison about Cumberland, with a tired horse. He has not yet got out. Corn is 30 dollars per bushel. I wish I had my corn from Arcadia. I want to hear how my brother Charles goes on, I directed him to bring me 10 cows in the spring; if he can I shall be quite safe for that article, and I believe there is no doubt of Buffalo beef plenty. Smith and Carvin landed at the Falls a few days since, but I don’t hear where they are destined. I have no fear of not getting settlers at my station in abundance, as they are very sickly at the Falls.


            Your ever affectionate friend.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Letter from John Floyd about conditions in Kentucky

Draper 17CC172-175


Boonesborough, July 21, 1776


My Dear Sir,

Te situation of our country is much altered since I wrote you last. The Indians seem determined to break up our settlements, and I really doubt, unless it was possible to give us some assistance, that the greatest part of the people must fall a prey to them. They have, I am satisfied, killed several which, at this time, I know not how to mention. Many are missing who, sometime ago, went out about their business who we can hear nothing of. Fresh sign of Indians is seen almost every day.


I think I mentioned to you before of some damage they had done at Leesburg. The seventh of this month they killed one Cooper on Licking Creek, the fourteenth they killed a man whose name I do not know, at your Salt spring on Licking Creek. The same day they took out of a canoe, within sight of this place, Miss Betsy Calloway, her sister Frances, and a daughter of Daniel Boon’s; the two last are about 13 or 14 years old, and the other grown. The affair happened late in the afternoon, they left the canoe on the opposite side of the river from us, which prevented our getting over for some time to pursue them. We could not, that night, follow more than five miles before dark.


Next morning by daylight we were on the tracks, but found they had totally prevented our following them by walking some distance through the thickest cane they could find. We observed their course and on which side we had left their signs. and travelled upwards of thirty miles. We then imagined they would be less cautious in travelling, and made a turn in order to cross their trace, and had gone but a few miles till we found their tracks in a buffalo path, pursued and overtook them in going about two miles, just as they were kindling a fire to cook. Or study had been more to get the prisoners without giving the Indians time to murder them after they discovered us, than to kill them.


We discovered each other nearly at the same time. Four of us fired and all rushed on them, which prevented their carrying anything away except one shot gun without any ammunition. Mr. Boon and myself has each a pretty fair shoot just as they began to move off. I am well convinced I shot one through, and the one he shot dropt his gun, mine had none. The place was very thick with cane, and being so much elated on recovering the three poor little heart-broken girls, prevented our making any further search; we sent them off almost naked, some without their moccasins, and not one of them so much as a knife or tomahawk.


After the girls came to themselves enough to speak, they told us there were only five Indians, four Shawnee and one Cherokee, could all speak good English. They said they should take them to the Shawnee towns. And the war club we got was like those I have seen from that nation. Several words of their language which they retained, was known to be Shawnee. They also told them the Cherokees had killed and drove all the people from Watagua and thereabouts, and that fourteen Cherokees were then on the Kentucky waiting to do mischief. If the was becomes general, which there is now the greatest appearance of, our situation is truly alarming.


We are about finishing a large fort and intend to try to keep possession of this place as long as possible. They are, I understand, doing the same at Harrodsburg, also on Elkhorn at the Royal Spring. A settlement known by the name of Hinkston is broke up and nineteen of which are now here on their way in, himself among the rest, who all seem deaf to anything we can say to dissuade them. Ten at least of our own people, I understand, are going to join them which will leave is with less than 30 men at this fort. I think more than 300 men have left the country since I came out, and not one has arrived except a few cabbiners down the Ohio.


I want as much to return as any person can do, but if I leave the country now there is scarcely one single man hereabouts, but what that will follow the example. When I think of the deplorable condition a few helpless families are likely to be in, I conclude to sell my life as dear as I can, in their defense, rather than to make an ignominious escape.


I am afraid it is in vain to sue for any relief from Virginia, yet the convention encouraged the settlement of this country; and why should not the extreme parts of Fincastle be as justly entitled to protection as any other part of the colony. An expedition being carried on against those nations who are at open was with the people in general, might in a good measure relieve us by drawing them off to defend their towns. If anything under Heaven can be done for us, I know of no person who would more willingly engage in forwarding us assistance than yourself.


I cannot write, you can better guess at my ideas from what I have said than I can express them.


I am Sir, yours most affectionately,


John Floyd


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The letter of Daniel Boone to Col. Henderson

Draper Manuscripts 17CC166-67

April 1st, 1775

Dear Colonel,

After my compliments to you, I shall acquaint you of our misfortune. On the 25th of March, a party of Indians fired on my company, about half an hour before day, and killed Mr. Twitty and his negro, and wounded Mr. Walker very deeply; but I hope he will recover. On the 28th as we were hunting for provisions, we found Samuel Tate’s son, who you gave us an account that the Indians fired on their company on the 27th. My brother and I went down and found two men killed and scalped, Thomas McDowell and Jeremiah McFeeters. I have sent a man down to all the lower companies, in order to gather them all at the mouth of Otter Creek. My advice to you, sir, is to come or send to us as soon as possible. Your company is desired greatly for the people are very uneasy, but are willing to stay and venture their lives with you, and now is the time to frustrate their intentions, and keep the country while we are in it. If we give way to them now it will ever be the case.

This day we start from the battle ground, for the mouth of Otter Creek, where we shall immediately build a fort, which will be done before you can come or send to us. Then we can send ten men to meet you, if you send for them.

Daniel Boone.

N.B. We stood on the ground and guarded our baggage till day, and lost nothing. We have about fifteen miles to Kentucky at Otter Creek.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Petition from Settlers at Harrodsburg

To the Honourable the Convention of Virginia

The Humble Petition of the Committee of West Fincastle of the Colony of Virginia, Being on the North and South sides of the River Kentucke (or Louisa). Present John Gabriel Jones Esqr. Chairman, John Bowman, John Cowen, William Bennett, Joseph Bowman, John Crittendon, Isaac Hite, George Rodgers Clark, Silas Harland, Hugh McGary, Andrew McConnell, James Herrod, William McConnel, and John Maxwell, Gent’n.

The Inhabitants of this Frontier part of Virginia who are equally desirous of contributing to the utmost of their power to the support of the present laudable cause of American Freedom, and willing to convince and prove to the world that tho they live so remote from the seat of Government that they feel in the most sensible manner for their suffering Brethren; and that they most ardently desire to be looked upon as a part of this Colony, notwithstanding the Base proceedings of a Detestible, Wicked and Corrupt Ministry to prevent any more counties to be laid off, without the Inhabitant would be so pusillanimous as to give up their right of appointing proper persons to represent them (in Assembly or) in Convention; And as we Further conceive that as the Proclamation of his Majesty for not settling on the Western parts of this Colony, is not founded upon Law, it cannot have any Force, and if we submit to that Proclamation and continue not to lay off new Counties on the Frontiers that they may send Representatives to the Convention, its leaving an opening to the wicked and Diabolical designs of the Ministry, as then this immense and Fertile Country would afford a safe Asylum to those whose Principles are inimical to American Liberty.

And if new Counties are not laid off, as Fincastle County now Reaches and already settled upwards of Three Hundred Miles from East to West it is impossible that two delegates can be sufficient to Represent any such a Respectable Body of People, or that such a number of Inhabitants should be bound to obey without being heard. Ans as those very people would most cheerfully cooperate in every measure tending to the Publick Peace, and American Freedom. They have delegated two Gentlemen who was chosen by the Free voice of the People, and which Election was held Eight days at Harrodsburg (on the Western waters of Fincastle on Kentucke) after the preparatory notice of Five Weeks given to the Inhabitants and on the poll being closed Captain John Gabriel Jones and Captain George Rodgers Clark, having the majority were chosen and not doubting the acceptance of them as our Representative by the Honorable the Convention, to serve in that capacity; as we conceive the precedent Established in West Augusta will justify our Proceeding; and we cannot but observe how impolitical it would be to suffer such a Respectable body of prime Rifle men, to remain (even in a state of Neutrality) When at this time a Certain set of men from North Carolina, stiling themselves, proprietors and claiming an absolute right to these very Lands taking upon themselves the Legislative authority, Commissioning officers, both Civil and military, having also opened a Land office, Surveyors General and Deputies appointed and act, Conveayances made and Land sold at an Exorbitant Price many other Unconstitutional practices, tending to disturb the minds of those, who are well disposed to the wholesome Government of Virginia, and creating Factions and Divisions amongst ourselves.

As we have not hitherto been Represented in Convention; And as at this time of General Danger we cannot take too much Precaution to prevent the Inroads of Savages, and prevent the Effusion of Innocent Blood. We the Committee after receiving a message from the Chiefs of the Delewares who are now settled near the mouth of the Waubash, informing us that a Treaty was to be held at Opost, by the English and Kiccapoos Indians, an that they would attend to know the purport of the same, and if their Brothers and the Long Knives would send a man they could rely on, they would, on their return, inform him of the same, as they were apprehensive the Kiccapoos would strike their Brothers the Long Knives, therefore we thought it most prudent, and shall send immediately a certain James Herrod and Garret Pendergrass to converse with them on the same. And as it’s the request of the Inhabitants that we should point out a number of men capable and most acquainted with the Laws of this Colony to act as Civil Magistrates, a list of the same we have enclosed. And for other matters relative to the country we conceive that Captain Jones and Captain Clark our Delegates will be able to inform the Honourable the Convention, not doubting but they will listen to our just petition and take us under their Jurisdiction. And your petitioners as in Duty Bounty &c.

Signed by order of the Committee, Herrodsburg, June 20th 1776.

J.G. Jones Chairman

Abraham Hite Jnr. Clerk

Signed by:

Joseph Bowman

George Rogers Clark

Silas Harlan

John Gabriel Jones

Andrew McConnell

William McConnell

Hugh McGary

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

George Edwards

Draper Manuscripts 18 S 116

George Edwards, son of Hayden and Penelope Edwards was born Dec. 24, 1761 and died 30 Aug 1835. He was a native of Edward’s Ferry region on the Potomac.

George Edwards came to Kentucky when eighteen years of age, cut down a tree where Cincinnati now is, fastened a buffalo skin around the stump thus forming a mortar with the smoothed top of the stump for the bottom. With a pestle or pounder, he pounded his pint of corn for sustenance.

He guarded Mrs. John Edwards on Cooper’s Run at an early day with his loaded gun, while she picked the greens for dinner. George Edwards came seven times to Kentucky. His parents remaining for a long while in Virginia. Aug. 27. 1863