Sunday, February 17, 2008

A List of Prisoners taken by the Indians – Inhabitants of Kentucky. 3 Sept. 1794

Draper Manuscripts, 16 S 206-209
  • Merriot T. Scot, taken 1790, on Hawer’s campaign, left wounded on the field by Shawnees.
  • Miss Mitchell, taken in 1790, on the Wilderness Road by the Iowas.
  • Israel Hart, Crab Orchard
  • John Johnson, 1790
  • David Glenn, 1782, Wheeling by Wyandotts
  • Elizabeth Hart and one child, taken in 1789 at the mouth of Salt River. Her husband and one of the children were killed when she was captured; two of her children were taken at the same time, one is since dead, and the other was recovered at the Upper town on the Wabash by Genl. Wilkinson in 1791.
  • Elizabeth Young and child, taken Apl. 1, 1793, at Morgan’s Station
  • Name Raughley, , taken Apl. 1, 1793, at Morgan’s Station
  • Rachael Becraft, , taken Apl. 1, 1793, at Morgan’s Station
  • Mary Ann Stanton, , taken Apl. 1, 1793, at Morgan’s Station
  • Benjamin Becraft, , taken Apl. 1, 1793, at Morgan’s Station
  • Thomas Sudduth and James Brice, both taken by Shawnees, left on the field wounded on Harman’s campaign.
  • Robert Peek, taken 1792, captives on Kentucky Road Jul 26, 1793
  • Miss Paridge, Wheeling, her father was killed and her sister taken with her and exchanged since.
  • Elizabeth Anthony and Jenney Corder with some children, taken on the Wilderness Road, on 26 March 1793
  • Jane Halbruck and Sarah Halbruck, sisters, taken on Brashear’s Creek, May 29th 1789. Jane was about ten years old when taken
  • Sarah Kesine, taken on Brashear’s Creek in September, 1790
  • Samuel VanCleve, taken on Brashear’s Creek Feb 1794
  • Peter and John Smock, , taken on Brashear’s Creek March 1794
  • Samuel Thorn, taken on Brashear’s Creek March 1789
  • Presley Bolling, taken on Brashear’s Creek March 1789
  • Robert Samuel, taken by the Pottawattamies, below the mouth of Salt River, in April 1794
    Timothy Love, taken on head of Big Benson, May 1792
  • James Hughes Mitchel, was taken by the Shawnees in April 1787 or ‘88 on the Ohio near the mouth of Big Miami, the Indian who commanded the party was called Captain Jim
  • Thomas Peek and Robert Peek, brothers, taken on Mill Creek near Cincinnati in 1792
  • Susannah, Thomas, Robert, John, David, Polly and Enoch Ashby taken in May 1788, on the Ohio near the mouth of Kentucky. Susannah is mother to the other six. Her husband and her eldest son were taken at the same time. The husband made his escape, the son was killed.
  • Ruth Riley and her sister were taken in 1790, above Wheeling on the Indian shore; their mother was captured the same time at the sugar camp and made her escape. The Indian that was taken by William Wells gave information that they lived with the Indians near Roche de Bout.
  • John Shaw and son, William, taken in April 1792, near the head of Beargrass.
  • Peter Smith, taken in May 1793 near Falls of Ohio.
  • John Brown, taken in May 1792, on head of Beargrass
  • Henry Smith, in 1791 on west side of Ohio above the Falls.
  • James Burge, in May 1791, near Clarksville.
  • Moses Hogkins, Floyd’s Fork, fishing, no date given
  • Isaac Romine, in 1786 by Pottawattamies, near Lees Town.
  • James McCarty, taken in 1790, on the Ohio, above the mouth of Green River
  • Mary Sharp, taken in 1786, by Shawnee near McAfee’s.
  • Polly Ford, taken in 1786, by the Wyandotts, on the Wilderness Road, she was about eight years old when taken.
  • Jane Stinson (Stevenson) taken in 1792 at Paint Lick.
  • Jacob Everman, taken in 1790, on Miami.
  • One Negro woman takne on Brashear’s Creek in 1789, property of Anderson Long and said to be in Detroit.
  • A Negro, taken on Elkhorn in 1792, the property of Col. Harry Innes.
  • Samuel Lusk, taken in 1793, on the head of Sandy River, he is about eighteen years of age and supposed to be with the Shawanese.

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